Social Security benefits likely won’t provide enough income for you to live the retirement you had planned and fewer employers than ever are providing pensions.  Therefore it is critical to create a plan that takes advantage of your employer’s offerings and your ability to save in tax-deferred plans such as IRAs or plans available to self-employed individuals.

Maidstone works with clients to develop a realistic and achievable retirement plan that meets their unique goals. We start with a detailed discussion about what you want out of retirement.  Whether it includes travel, relocation, charitable endeavors or making certain your loved ones are cared for financially, we will work together to determine your priorities and the best path to get you there.

We discuss your risk tolerance, time horizon, expected income, expenses and potential asset purchases up to and through retirement.  This exercise will provide us with a lifetime estimate of your expected cash flows and net worth.  Once all the information is gathered, we will do several scenario analyses to determine the appropriate amount of risk and proper asset allocation to provide the best opportunity of achieving your financial, lifestyle and legacy objectives.

Retirement planning is a continuous and evolving process requiring frequent reviews of the plan.  Changes in planning and asset allocation are a normal and healthy part of a long-term advisor-client relationship and Maidstone is proactive in keeping your plan on target.